In this episode Christa Hartsook, Small Farm Sustainability Program Coordinator, visits with Chris Clark, the southwest Iowa Beef Specialist for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Clark and Hartsook discuss the Veterinary Feed Directive and its implications for small farmers.
In this episode Christa Hartsook, Small Farm Sustainability Program Coordinator, visits with Adam Janke, assistant professor in the department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management at Iowa State University. Janke and Hartsook discuss how small acreage owners can improve wildlife habitats on their land.
This is episode fourteen, where Christa Hartsook, Small Farm Sustainability Program Coordinator, visits with Linda Naeve, Extension Program Specialist and Iowa SARE Coordinator. Naeve and Hartsook will discuss the extensive resources available through SARE's book library as well as online resources.
This is episode thirteen, where Christa Hartsook, Small Farm Sustainability Program Coordinator, visits with Ajay Nair, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Vegetable Specialist and Assistant Professor in the Horticulture Department at Iowa State University. Nair and Hartsook will discuss the opportunities available for cover crop use in horticulture production.
This is episode twelve, where Christa Hartsook, Small Farm Sustainability Program Coordinator, visits with Alyssa Dick, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Agritourism specialist. Dick and Hartsook will discuss important aspects of small farm safety.
This is episode eleven, where Christa Hartsook, Small Farm Sustainability Program Coordinator, meets with Andy Larson, Extension Educator for Local Foods and Small Farms with University of Illinois Extension. Larson and Hartsook will discuss how to get started raising backyard poultry.
This is episode ten, where Christa Hartsook, Small Farm Sustainability Program Coordinator, meets with Lisa Orgler, Lecturer in the Department of Horticulture at Iowa State University, to discuss planting design on an acreage.
This is episode nine where Christa Hartsook, Small Farm Sustainability Program Coordinator meets with Ann Johanns, Farm Marketing Field Specialist, to discuss enterprise budget resources available through Iowa State University Extension and Outreach..
This is episode eight, where I meet with Greg Brenneman and Tom Miller at the Iowa Small Farms Conference. Greg is an Agricultural Engineer for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, and Tom is a field specialist for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. We will discuss renewable energy and talk about some of its applications on a small farm.
In this episode Christa Hartsook, Small Farm Sustainability Program Coordinator for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, talks with Daniel Salatin about the upcoming Iowa Small Farms conference and what Daniel will discuss in his keynote address at the conference.